Wednesday 31 December 2014


2014 is almost over... Where has the year gone? How is it even possible that the years are slipping by faster and faster?

Well, I hope you have all had a good 2014. Mine has been busy both personally and professionally, which you can read about in a little more detail over at my last post of the year on Not Just A Stiff Upper Lip; My 2014.

I do mention on that post how 2015 is looking very empty compared to how 2014 has been - personally; attended 3 weddings, a hen weekend, a christening, and a 30th birthday. Professionally; released 4 books (5 if you count the paperback edition of Razel Dazzle) 2 of the books were self-published. Also attended my first book event. - but who knows what this next year is going to bring.

What I do know for sure is the following:

Summer 2015 - Blood Series: Book Two

I have a terrible habit of comparing myself to other authors in many ways, but mostly in regards to progress. I look at how fast other authors are able to write books and get them out there in the world and I always feel bad that I am unable to produce work that quickly. I would love to be able to, but I have another job and one that takes up energy more than anything else. I realize admitting that I have a job spoils my allure as an author, but a girl has to pay her bills and writing is my passion. Passion unfortunately doesn't pay, but that's fine because I love writing and I am so blessed that I am able to do so and that I have readers who enjoy my work. So, what I have promised myself this year is that I am not going to stress myself out about how much I write, or more importantly, how many books I release.

I released four books this year, but three of them had already been released. I did have to go through them, revamp, polish, and edit them, but they were already technically finished. A finished book is easier to publish then an unwritten one.

So, my aim is to write just one book this year and publish it, and that book will be the untitled second book in the Blood Series. I am already 10,000 words in. Now that Christmas and New Year are out of the way I will be buckling down in the hopes of having the first draft finished by spring.

Blood Series is my priority. I want so very much to get it finished and hope to do so in the next couple of years. There has been a two year delay on the series, which is my fault. The publisher who had it started to have problems right after Cranberry Blood was originally released and well, I decided I wasn't continuing the series until I got my rights back and could self-publish. I had thought it would take a long time until I got my rights back, but with luck - and a lot of unhappy authors fighting for their work - we all got our rights back the following year and the naturally from last November all the way to this August I had been working on She-Wolf (Blood Series: Prequel) and Cranberry Blood (Blood Series: Book One) to get them ready for re-release.

I started the series in 2009. I love it. So when I say I want to finish it, it's not because I hate it or want it over and done with. It's because I want the story to be told and finished so I can the move on to the pile of other ideas I have - and the other series I started, got the rights back for, and have to finish. You will hear more on this when I know I will be publishing it.

So, Blood Book Two will definitely be released next year. My aim is Summer. I do know that there will be a Blood Series: Book 1.5, which I already have a rough plot for and may have to start writing it while I am writing book two. I have stated on my site I am aiming to publish it in Winter 2015, but that is just a tentative date and is definitely subject to change.

Blood Series does have a Facebook Page. I will admit I don't update it as regularly as I should, but with me working on book two and on the series in general that will be changing. You will see excerpts on this page, and I tend to share songs from the playlists, as well as facts and other tid bits that spring up during the creative process. So, if you are a fan of the series so far you may want to check it out:

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Elizabeth Morgan Zazzle Store

I have opened a Zazzle Store. In complete honesty I opened it a couple weeks ago, but I have been trying my best to get a decent start on creating products and making them available for you.

A few years back two of my fave authors opened Zazzle stores within a year of each other and I found it to be such a fab idea, but at the time I had no reason or need to open one. So, I save the idea away in the back of my mind. Last year, another of my fave authors as well as the lovely Dianna Hardy who is a very good friend and indeed one of my fave authors also opened stores up.

Well, I thought, "why not?"

I for one often find it difficult to pick good prizes for competitions. Having a zazzle store means that I have created merchandise with quotes on from my own work, and can purchase zed items for competitions. Plus, it also means that if any of you loved a particular quote of book then you can treat yourself to a keyring, or t-shirt; whatever you fancied.

Now, the store isn't finished because I can add to it constantly. At the moment I only have quotes etc. from my self-published titles; She-Wolf, Cranberry Blood, and Razel Dazzle. I need to look into whether I can take quotes from the books with publishers. So, until I find out the details over that, if there is a quote from one - or all - of the books mentioned above that you would love on a t-shirt or a bag etc. all you have to do is email me at - Elizabeth-Morgan @ hotmail . co . uk - and let me know what quote you would like to see and I will whip something up to put on sale using it.

If you're interested in what's up for sale just head on over and take a look around:

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Yorkshire Cosplay Con

Possibly convention I will be attending in April 2015. Details are still being ironed out, but the convention looks really cool and myself, Ninfa Hayes, D.A. Lascelles and R.A. Smith are hoping to attend. We shall be signing and selling books and basically be around to hang and chat. So, if you are in the UK and are interested do keep checking back for more details on that.

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I am now on TSU - - this site works the same as Facebook, but kind of has a Twitter feel to it - at least it seems that way to me - I did sign-up over a week ago, and have posted the odd thing on there, but I intend to start using it a lot as soon as we hit January. I will still be on facebook and twitter so if you follow me on either of those platforms do not fear.

For any of you who are new to this blog and may be interested in learning more about my books - published and upcoming - and about anything else I have to say, but don't want to have to scroll through all these blog posts - I do realize my blog has turned into a place more for guests then myself. It is something I hope to rectify this year so hopefully you shall hear from me much more on here - then below is a list of all the places you can find my online.

Blog: (Shared with Dianna Hardy):

And that's it for what I know for certain about 2015. I can't think of anything else so I think I'm okay in saying that is what I have so far in regards to next year.

Rounding up this year:

Just in case you didn't already know....

January: Truth or Dare?
June: Stepping Stones (Re-release)
August: She-Wolf & Cranberry Blood (Self-Published Re-releases)

Paperbacks: I finally figured out how to format books for print. Go me! So that means you can get my self-published titles in print if you prefer to hold a book in your hand rather than an eReader.

Razel Dazzle
She-Wolf (Blood Series: Prequel)
Cranberry Blood (Blood Series: Book One)

Okay, I think that is everything. 2014 has been a very busy and productive year and although 2015 looks to be a quieter year I look forward to the slower pace and more importantly I look forward to seeing what the year brings. You never know what is round the corner.

Thank you all for your constant support and I do hope you will continue to follow my madness and that you continue to enjoy my work. I hope you have all had a wonderful 2014 and that 2015 brings the realization and fruition of your dreams. Here's to a fabulous year.

Elizabeth Morgan xxx

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