Tuesday 6 July 2010

No rest for the wicked

Firstly on a random note... I got True Blood Season 1 woo  ^_^  (dances)
I am waiting for the seond season to arrive. I shall happily be watching them for the rest of the week in hope my True Blood addiction dies. (Which I doubt since I am still reading book 4 but I only have up to book 8 - so we shall see)

As you know I have wrote a paranormal romance (if you didn't go to the links on the right side of the page and find 'snippets' read and you will get the point : P)
I started this story four years ago. The only difference being that four years ago if I had actually continued with what I had written, it would have been a film script. I shall explain.

I have always like writing which in a sense I found strange because until two years ago I didn't really like reading. Since the age of four I wanted to be an actress so until the age of eighteen that is what I did. I performed in a number of shows (singing, acting and dancing - I iz bad dancer though lol) and I directed a few.

In january 2006 I was a few months away from completeting my college course (Musical Theatre - which I passed with top marks) and although I loved performing and I always had there was a part of my brain I wasn't using. A part that was so full of ideas I had started to get restless. So I decided to write. And what I ended up writing was a sort of paranormal/fairytale film script and I loved it. I loved writing it. I loved people reading & enjoying it. I felt fulfilled in a way.

So I went on to write three more scripts - a comedy series. A contemporary/6 degrees kinda script and a thriller. The only thing was, I was doing background info. Background info no one would ever see. For example I went crazy doing family trees for the princess in my paranormal/fairytale. My friend said to me 'why don't you turn it into a book then you want have wasted your time with the background info.'

Sadly it took me two years before I decided that woul be a very good idea.

January 2009, I sat down and I started writing. I had never wrote a full length story before. I knew nothing but I couldn't stop writing. I wanted to finish the story. I had to make it good. By september I had edited the story four times. I sent it off to some wonderful ladies who read it and got some good feedback but I wasn't happy with it. It had taken me nine months to get it to this standard and all I could do was look at it and think 'this is crap. I need to make it better.'

During the two months my beta readers were reading I wrote two novellas to send off to an epublishers for the anthologies they were advertising. When the first beta got back to me I was in the middle of writing my second novel (which I co-authored with a friend) and I can honestly say - improvement comes from practice.

By febuary, my co-authored book was done so I could look back at my paranormal book and do you know what I did? I ripped it to pieces (mentally) and spent three days trying to create something better using all the bits I loved. I finished it in may. So, the re-write took me four months. My betas have read and today I finished re-writining the ending, which I am hoping is a million times better than the last one.

I love writing. I enjoy it, but this book has made me tired. I am so very tired of looking at it.
I love it. I love my characters, but it has taken me a year and a half to write it and that is mostly because it is the first thing I ever wrote and I wanted it to be a decent book. (Which I will never fully think it is but my opinion of it isnt important.)

Once my betas have got back to me I will happily polish the ending and then bury the book for ten thousand years. I know if an agent was to offer me representation, the book would go through edits and so on but I just can't wait to have a break from it. I need a break from it.

The sad thing is I will then have to go and re-polish my co-authored novel :| Oy.

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