Saturday 29 October 2011

Werewolves - Mary Abshire

What kind of creature do you think of when you hear the word werewolf?

I don't know why, but I always think of American Werewolf in London. I love that movie. The werewolf attack is gruesome, but it doesn't bother me. I doubt any werewolf attack would be pretty. Come on. There has to be blood and guts. Aside from that, I love the scene where he changes into the werewolf. The bone crunching, hair sprouting, and all the details were great. Make it real. Don't use technology and show a human change into a werewolf within two seconds. Show me the works baby.

In an urban fantasy novel I have coming out in January, my werewolf changes fast, but he stripped first. That is one detail that is a must, in my opinion. Any man changing into a werewolf has to strip or the clothes will rip. (hey, that rhymed : P ) I'm okay with a quick change, one that can't be seen, but the clothes have to come off first. HAVE to.

In my new paranormal romance series, my werewolf change is longer and more graphic. When I came to the scene where my protagonist watches him change from werewolf to human, I had to go into details. It was unfamiliar territory for me since I haven't read many werewolf books. I hope I did a good job.

The werewolves in my current Soul Catcher series are mostly big and delicious. I don't put them in scenes where they change. They're more supporting characters anyway. They're in book 2, Catching an Evil Tail, and the 4th, Love Conquers All Evil.

So, what is your answer to the question above? And how much detail about changing do you like in books?

My paranormal/urban fantasy romance series currently published includes:

Claiming the Evil Dead
Catching an Evil Tail
Fighting Evil
Love Conquers All Evil

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Mary Abshire†
Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy Author

1 comment:

  1. I think of the werewolf from Van Helsing. I think the actor did a beautiful job - he is a dancer - of the change. But he did get a little help with all that fancy tech.

    I also think of the Wolfman - but not the old one where we are sat watching his legs go hairy as he sits down and has a cuppa.

    In the new one he is sat in a chair in a asylum and you see his fingers cracking out of place. *Shudders* It is gross, but a Were's transformation isn't going to be painless.

    I love American werewolf in London. I can't help but laugh at the fact he is sat there and the next minute he is screamin. So sudden. But the transformation scene is amazing. Must have took them forever to shoot.
